Foto - Jake Farra

Property manager

+372 5802 3081

    Marion Maanas

    Marion is a bright and irreplaceable member of our property manager team, who brings positive energy with her as soon as she enters the room.

    She considers her 15 years of employment with one company to be the most remarkable work experience, which also makes her a very loyal and reliable employee. Although Marion has no previous experience with real estate she has been in the role of a tenant in the past. Working as a property manager this comes in very useful when solving problems and communicating with different parties.

    As a colleague, Marion is cheerful and considerate of others. She adapts quickly to new situations, is able to plan her time well and is a brave and active communicator. In her life, Marion values ​​family and good health the most. She wants to be happy in the moment – here and now. In other people, honesty and a caring nature are the most valued traits for her.

    In her job, Marion enjoys communicating and problem solving the most. She draws energy from time spent with family and friends and from traveling around the world.

    Languages: Estonian, English